Friday, November 6, 2015

feed my lambs.

The past couple nights, I've enjoyed sitting on the front porch, journaling or reading a book. The evenings have been cool and I love listening to the birds sing and crickets chirping, watching the blue sky fade into darkness. It's peaceful. 
I'm reading Kisses from Katie again and each time I come away with something new. I'm always encouraged by her love for others. 

Something Katie shared was about feeling like Peter: Jesus told Peter that he (Peter) would deny Him 3 times; Peter says "No! I love you, I could never deny you, Lord." Yet we all know that Peter does infact deny Jesus three times. I know in my heart and my soul and the care of my being that I love the Lord, that I would do anything for Him, go to the ends of the earth for Him, but how often do I forget to give the glory to His name? How often do I take complements without giving Him the credit? Do I, like Peter, deny Jesus the glory that is His? 

She goes on to tell the story of how Jesus told His disciples that it was the Father's will for Him to be arrested. He went willingly when the soldiers came to take Him, but enthusiastic, loving Peter raised his sword and cut of a soldier's ear. Jesus told him to put away his sword. 
I am Peter. I have my own time frame. When I don't see things happening, I try to make them happen. And Jesus says, "Put away your sword, put away your plans. Shall we not do what the Father has asked of us?" So, like Peter, I put away my plans, my defenses, and watch as everything happens perfectly, in God's own timing. 

After Jesus had risen, He appeared to His disciples while they were fishing. When Peter saw Him, he excitedly jumped out of the boat and began swimming to where Jesus stood. I am Peter--excitedly jumping into things and then standing, sopping wet, at the feet of the Lord, smiling at my stupidity. I get excited, forget to think things through, and end up doing them the long way. Every time, though, just as with Peter, Jesus welcomes my soaking wet self into His arms and is simply happy to see me. 
I am Peter who made many mistakes, but I am Peter for whom God had great pans, whom God established to do His work. 

Jesus asked Peter, "Do you truly love me? Then feed my lambs." 
For each time I deny God the glory that is His, for each time I follow my will instead of listening to His, for each time I jump ahead without first consulting my Lord, He asks, "Daughter, do you truly love me?" and I do. 
"Feed my sheep." And I will. And I do.
"Come follow me." And I am, or at least I am trying. 
I am Peter. I mess up. I make mistakes, I am far from perfect, and God will use me. God will establish great things through me. 

You are Peter. God already knows that you will make a mess, but His plan for you is great. Go. Feed His sheep.
I, like Katie and Peter, make mistakes and mess up. I get ahead of God's plans. But, just like the two of them, God has a plan for my life. He has one for you too. 

Will you go and feed God's sheep? You don't have to go to another country to do this. You can encourage and uplift those right around you-- in your home, with your friends, at church, and in your community. 
Keep seeking + trusting the Lord with your life and He will bring opportunities for you to bless others.
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

**parts of this post were taken from Katie's book, Kisses from Katie**


  1. Loved this. Yes, I am a Peter too, and I'm so thankful that the Lord can still use us even though we make mistakes as Peter did. This makes me want to read her book again, so inspiring! And so are you! Love you!

  2. Love you and your heart for our KING!

  3. Hi Tashia,
    That is truely a great post!! I
    Must admit I'm a Peter, I've fallen, I've sinned, I get ahead of God's pland, and I make mistakes but your post had really really blessed and encouraged me! It had just reminded me that no Matter what I do, and how much wrong of done - God still Loves me and wants me to bring souls to Him! - just as you put it "Feed My Sheep". Sometimes I make mistakes and dollow my own inclinations and get in a mess - just like Perer and I guess that that is when I really need to depend on God and trust Hin to do the work in Me for I cannot do it of myself. "In Him we live and move and have our being". I really praise God for you Sheung This and I would like to thank you for being a vessel - that shares of The Cup from God. :-)
    Thank you

  4. Loved reading this! I put your blog on my recent post. :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment, Hannah! <3

  6. This was such a beautiful challenge Tashia! God be with you this week!

    -Victoria W.


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