Friday, August 26, 2016

wonder & amazement.

At the beggining of Acts 3, we read the story of the lame man at the gate Beautiful. The lame man's friends would carry him to the gate and let him lay and beg for money. One day Peter and John came to the temple and the lame man called out to them. They went over and the man asked for money. Instead of giving him money (which they didn't have) Peter took the man by the hand and raised him up in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And the man walked! It says in verse 8 that the lame man stood, walked, and went leaping into the temple with Peter and John. He praised God for healing him. 

The people in the temple reconized him as the lame man who would lay by the gate and beg. Now they saw him walking and praising God! And here's my favorite part: At the end of verse 10 it says: "and the people were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him." 

I want to be filled with that same wonder and amazement at the things which the Lord does. I want to praise Him openly for His blessings. I want others to see what God can and will do if only we trust + obey Him. 

May we leap for joy (Luke 6:23) at the things that the Lord does for us and those around us. //

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Thou hast made known to me the wyas of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. Acts 2:28


  1. Great post! Very insightful.

  2. What an amazing story! I desire to do the same! Several times a day He deserves praise just for saving me, let alone all of the blessings and what He continues to do for me everyday. Thank you for sharing this!


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